
*Insurance Coverage

You deserve it all.

Get multiple complimentary insurance coverages when you open your ladies current account or savings account ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COST!

Ladies Current and Saving Accounts feature comprehensive insurance coverages (Primary Account Holder) which include life, critical Illness, theft and health.

Rs. 25,000/- Monthly Average Balance maintenance is required to avail free Term Life Insurance, Critical Insurance and Handbag Insurance.

OPD/Telehealth services are free irrespective of balance maintenance.

  • Term Life Insurance (Accidental + Natural)

– Age Coverage limit of 18 to 60 years

– Maximum Coverage limit of Rs. 500,000 which covers both accidental and natural forms of death.

  • Critical Illness Coverage

– Age Coverage limit of 18 to 60 years

– This plan provides coverage against major women-related critical illnesses (Breast, Uterus, Cervix Uteri, Ovary, Fallopian Tube, Vagina, Vulva, Severe Osteoporosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis)

– Maximum Coverage limit of Rs. 500,000 once a year

– The coverage can only be availed if the critical illness is diagnosed after the ladies account opening. (Pre-existing conditions are not covered).

  • Handbag Insurance

– Maximum Coverage limit of Rs. 55,000 which includes bag and its contents such as Mobile, Cash and Jewelry

– Claimable once a year

To file your claim for handbag insurance, please submit the below form to EFU General Insurance – Central Division Claims Dept. by any of the following means:

Claim Form

Address: EFU General Insurance Ltd, Central Division,                   1st Floor, Kashif Centre, Shahrah-e-Faisal,                    Karachi – Pakistan

Tel: 021-35653907-9 (Ext. 257/ 265)

Fax: 021-35640531


  • OPD/Telehealth Services

Free OPD consultation

Discounted specialized consultation

Online Pharmacy

Lab Test Sample Collection at your doorstep

To avail OPD services, please download the MedIQ App through Google Play or App Store, or scan the provided QR Code

Note: The claim will be paid at the discretion of the insurance company.

*Terms & conditions apply

For more details, please visit the nearest HABIBMETRO branch or call at 111-1(HABIB)42242.

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