
Application Criteria

Visit a designated HABIBMETRO Bank/SIRAT branch near you and fill out an application form (available in both English and Urdu); our Credit Officers will be available to provide you with any required assistance.

The following documents are required in application submission:

  • Complete business plan of the project/enterprise/profile
  • Attested Copy of Computerized National ID card (CNIC)
  • Tax Returns
  • Document(s) of property offered as security
  • Audited accounts (if a loan is more than 15 million) / Financials for last two years preferably
  • Valuation of stock, plant and machinery
  • Personal Guarantee(s)
  • Bank statement(s) of sponsor

Once the applicant has provided the requested information along with attested documents, the process takes around 30 days after initial assessment and documentary evidence verification. Any delays are usually because of inadequate information provided by the borrower.

Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan – Youth Entrepreneurial Scheme (YES)

Government of Pakistan, recognizing the financial needs of youth entrepreneurs and SME business leaders have introduced the “Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan – Youth Entrepreneurial Scheme (PMKJ – YES)”. This lending scheme will provide youth with affordable financing for establishing new and strengthening existing SME businesses.

Salient Features of Youth Entrepreneurial Scheme

S# Particulars Criteria
1 Eligibility Male/Female/Transgender aged between 21 to 45 years. (Lower age limit to be 18 year for IT/E-commerce related businesses)
2 Business Type & Sector New & established SME businesses from all sectors (including agriculture) can avail fresh loans
3 Loan Tiers and Details Loan Tier Loan Amount (PKR) Customer Rate Bank Rate Security Debt to Equity
T – I 0.1 M to 1 M 3% p.a. 1Y K+400 BPS Clean 90 : 10
T – II Above 1 M to 10 M 4% p.a. 1Y K+400 BPS Collateralized 80 : 20
T – III Above 10 M to 25 M 5% p.a. 1Y K+400 BPS Collateralized 80 : 20
Only mandatory for new businesses  
Purpose of Loan
  1. Working Capital Loan
  2. Vehicle Lease / Demand / Term Financing
5 Tenor & Repayment Loan tenor up to 8 years with max. grace period of 1 year which to be repaid in equal monthly installments (EMI)

All eligible persons can apply for the loan by visiting Kamyab Jawan Portal at No other mode of application submission other than through designated online portal is acceptable.

For more details on the applications process and required documents, log on to or visit a HABIBMETRO Bank branch near you.

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