
Agriculture Financing

HABIBMETRO Bank offers the following financing facilities:

Farming Finance

Production Finance:

Production loans are available for seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. as well as working capital finance to meet various types of expenses attributable to farming, such as wages, etc.

Farm Developmental Finance:

Development financing available for land improvements and irrigation systems, including the construction of godowns for storage and development of orchards, nurseries, etc.

Agricultural Machinery/Equipment Finance:

The Financing facility is available for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment such as tractors, threshers, etc.

Non-Farming Finance


Financing is available for the purchase of feed, vaccination, medicine, raw material, raising charges and other activities such as asset purchase, construction of animal sheds and fencing etc.


Financing is available for all poultry-related activities including purchase of eggs, birds, poultry feed, poultry medicines, composite feed production, poultry processing and other activities such as poultry farm construction, purchase of equipment, hatchery plant & machinery etc.

Fish Farming:

Financing is available for the purchase of fish feed, medicines and other related activities.


All categories of farmers, owner, owner cum tenant, tenant, and non-farm household (small & large farms) are eligible for agricultural finance subject to completion of required formalities.

  • The applicant must be a genuine farmer/tenant
  • The applicant’s name must appear on revenue record, and a tenant should establish this through a government paper, or he / she must be handling non-farm activities like livestock, poultry, dairy farming, forestry etc.
  • He/she must not be a defaulter of any Bank and should produce proper security/sureties/agriculture passbook or other collateral acceptable to the Bank.
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