
Rozana Munafa Saving Account

A savings account designed for individuals and corporates to cater to their monthly profit needs and to fulfill their banking requirements through a host of transactional benefits.

Saving Account Profit


  • The account can be opened with an initial deposit of Rs. 100
  • No limit on deposits and withdrawals
  • Profit payable on a monthly basis
  • Profit calculation on a daily account balance basis
  • Best saving account in Pakistan
  • Mahana profit account
  • Daily profit

Free Services

SMS Alerts

(All Transactions)

Fund Transfers


Rent-Free Locker

Internet Banking

Mobile Banking

Account Statement /

Payment Orders


  • What is meant by a saving account profit in a bank?

A savings account is also a monthly profit account where you can save and withdraw money. The savings account also provides profit on your funds/savings.

  • What are the various types of savings accounts?

There are multiple savings accounts offered by HABIBMETRO including PLS Savings Account, Saving Plus Accounts, Asaan Savings Account, Asaan Digital Savings Account, Junior Savers Account, Privilege 55+ account, etc.

  • What is the difference between a current and a savings account?

A current account does not provide profit on your funds, while a savings account provides profit on your funds/savings.

Note: Service charges applicable as per SOC in case monthly average balance falls below Rs. 10,000.
All other services will be charged as per prevailing SOC.

  • What is the profit payout frequency on Rozana Munafa Savings Account?

Rozana Munafa Savings Accounts is a high-yield account that disburses profit monthly.

  • What account balance is used for profit calculation in a Rozana Munafa Savings Account?

Profit is calculated on the daily account balance of the Rozana Munafa Savings Accountholders.

How To Apply

To apply or get more details, visit your nearest HABIBMETRO branch or call our 24/7 customer care centre at 111-1-HABIB (42242).

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