
Donate now to help Pakistan overcome its biggest humanitarian crisis. To donate to Prime Minister Flood Relief Fund and Balochistan Flood Relief & Rehabilitation Fund, please click here

HABIBMETRO Roshan Digital Acccount (RDA) holders may donate / pay Zakat to the following institutions through internet banking:

Roshan Samaaji Khidmat FAQs

Q1. Can I make donations in Pakistan using my RDA account?

A. Yes, you can donate funds to charity organizations or through zakat from your RDA accounts.

Q2. How can I make a donation through my RDA account?

A. You can donate through your RDA account by following the simple steps provided below:

  • Please login to HABIBMETRO Internet Banking using your ID and password.
  • Please search the Roshan Digital Account tab and click.
  • Under the Roshan Digital Account tab, please click the Roshan Samaaji Khidmat tab
  • You will then have options of charitable organizations to choose from to make your donation payment.
  • You can then enter your desired donation amount, enter the OTP and confirm your donation payment. After the donation, a receipt will be generated providing your donation details for reference.

Q3. Can I donate via my foreign currency account?

A. Yes, you can donate using your foreign currency RDA account as well as  Non Resident Rupee Value Account

Q4. Are there any charges associated with performing donations/zakat?

A. No, there are no additional charges associated with donation/zakat payment.

Q5. How will I know that the donation has been made once done?

A. After you have made the donation from the internet banking portal, a receipt will be generated specifying your payment donation details and confirmation that the donation has been made.

Q6. Can I donate from my Roshan Digital Account by visiting any HABIBMETRO Branch?

A. No, this donation service is purely digital which is present on our internet banking portal.

Q7. How long does it take for the charitable organization to receive the donation?

A. The donation payment is real time, hence, upon successful generation of your transaction receipt, the charitable organization will receive your donation.

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