

HABIBMETRO Exchange Services Limited 

HABIBMETRO Exchange Services Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited (HABIBMETRO), was incorporated on November 22, 2023 as a limited company under the Companies Act, 2017. The Company deals in Foreign Currency Operations under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947 that includes different products.

HABIBMETRO Exchange Services Ltd is operating with one main Branch and nine booths from three different cities i.e. Karachi, Lahore and Rawalpindi.

HABIBMETRO Exchange Services Ltd. aims to establish and continuously enhance its footprint enabling us to serve customers across Pakistan. [click here]

Habib Metropolitan Financial Services (HMFS)

HMFS, a subsidiary of HabibMetro Bank, is an active member of the Karachi Stock Exchange and offers high quality equity brokerage services to its clients. Since its inception in 2008, HMFS has managed to develop a broad-based institutional clientele which includes Mutual Funds, Banks, DFIs, Pension Funds, Modarabas and Foreign clients. HMFS also provides services to local individuals and Non-Resident Pakistanis in different parts of the world.
To learn more about HMFS [click here]

First Habib Modaraba

First Habib Modaraba (FHM), a subsidiary of HabibMetro Bank and a pioneer in the Modaraba sector, has the experience of over three decades of successful business operations. The Modaraba offers various financing services and investment products to its customers. FHM has been securing AA+ long-term rating from Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Ltd., (PACRA) for the last several years. FHM has also received recognition on its performance, corporate disclosure and corporate excellence from reputable bodies, such as NBFI and Modaraba Association, ICAP and ICMAP, Management Association of Pakistan, and SAFA an apex body of SAARC.
To learn more about First Habib Modaraba

Habib Metropolitan Modaraba Management Company
(Private) Limited

The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of HabibMetro Bank. The principal activity of the Company is to manage and float Modarabas and to invest in other Islamic mode of financing.

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